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Biohazard Cleaning Services

A biohazard (or biological hazard) is any dangerous or contaminated biological substance that has the potential to cause harm to humans (in many cases, biohazards can cause fatalities). Biohazards can be found in hospitals, laboratories and industrial settings, as well as restaurants, schools, and even our homes. Biohazards can be pathogens, viruses or bacteria, and they can be present in a large number of situations - as listed below.

The ultimate goal of biohazard cleaning is to safely remove and dispose of the biohazard, before ensuring that the location can be returned to its prior state and no longer poses a threat to human health. Biohazard cleaning requires expertise and specialist equipment in order to be carried out safely and efficiently. Given the dangerous nature of biohazard cleaning, it’s always recommended to call in professionals to carry out clean-up operations.


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